Habt Ihr Fragen zu einer besseren Nutzung eurer Zendesk Instanz oder braucht Hilfe bezüglich komplexer Arbeitsabläufe? Kommt und nehmt an unserer Customer Success Live Session teil, um mit uns und anderen Zendesk Kunden in einem kleinen Gruppen Setting über jegliche Hürden zu sprechen, Fragen zu stellen, oder einfach Tipps zu teilen, die für euch und eure Industrie funktioniert haben.
18. März 2025
Zendesk Community Event
Building your ideal Zendesk account - Part 3: Creating templates for repetitive tickets
Join Zendesk on March 18, 2025, at 11:00 AM CST (UTC-06) for “Building Your Ideal Zendesk Account - Part 3: Creating templates for repetitive tickets” This live tutorial showcases key techniques and best practices for developing effective macros that streamline repetitive ticket responses, enhancing your team's efficiency and productivity. The session will include live demos and a Q&A segment.
1. Apr. 2025
Zendesk Community Event
Building your ideal Zendesk account - Part 4: Prioritizing and tracking tickets with custom views
Join the Zendesk team on April 1, 2025, at 11:00 AM CST (UTC-06) for "Building Your Ideal Zendesk Account - Part 4: Prioritizing and Tracking Tickets with Custom Views." This webinar will teach you how to track and prioritize tickets, display ticket age, and learn best practices. The session includes live demos to streamline ticket management and a Q&A at the end to address your questions!
Zendesk Community Event
How to Optimize your Service Operations with Intelligent Triage
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