Community Manager User Group May Meetup - Community & AI

May 14, 2024, 3:00 – 4:00 PM (UTC)

Community Managers User Group

Unless you've been living under a rock, a buzz word these days is certainly the term AI. Let's take some time to chat about how we are experiencing this today, and what we think might be around the bend for Communities and AI.

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About this event

If you don't already have AI going at your company, odds are its coming soon. Community professionals a sure to have many crossovers with AI and the teams that work with it. Instead of viewing AI as being at odds with community, how can it be used to make our jobs easier and the community experience greater for our members. I have more questions than answers but I'm eager to hear how others are coexisting with AI and making use of it today, our plans for it in the near term, and and how we see it shaping the community landscape in 2024 and beyond.


  • Mike Davis


    Community Leader

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