Best Practice - Optimizing an internal use case📈

Sep 15, 2021, 5:00 – 5:45 PM

In many ways, internal customer service is similar to external customer service. You want to give your employees the best experience possible. Tune in to learn more about tools and workflows to assist with internal escalations, knowledge management, and task assignments.

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About this event

You want to give your employees the best experience possible. From IT onboarding to HR requests, an internal use case can allow you to serve your teams seamlessly. We know there are some specific differences in managing an internal use case, from an external use case. Today we are addressing three main areas and best practices to help you fully optimize your instance:

  • Internal Escalations: What's the best way to manage tickets moving from one internal team to the next?
  • Task Management: What happens when multiple internal teams have to contribute to a single ticket? 
  • Knowledge Management: You provide FAQs for external customers, but what knowledge base do you have available for employees and how are you maintaining it? 

We look forward to you joining us! 


  • Jeff Haynes


    Scaled Customer Success Manager

  • Kristina Warden


    Scaled Customer Success Manager


  • Ash Turner

    Scaled Customer Success Manager

  • Grace Maxon


    Customer Success Manager

  • Sheraton Jones

    Customer Success Manager

  • Cécile Zongo


    Scaled Customer Success Manager

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