Zendesk Relate recap and group catch-up

Jun 23, 2023, 12:00 – 1:00 PM (UTC)

UK and Ireland User Group

Join the Scotland Zendesk User Group for a casual chat about what we saw at Relate 2023 and what is going on in our own Zendesk lives.

User GroupVirtual

About this event

A recap of what we saw at Zendesk Relate 2023 sprinkled with tales of how many different ways we said 'no' to our stakeholders when they asked us to implement all the cool new features from Relate 2023 as soon as they finished watching the live feed, followed by some stories and songs by the camp fire as we reminise on any recent hilarity in our daily Zendesk lives.


  • Jason McDonald

    User Group Leader

  • Anthony Stenhouse


    User Group Leader

  • Tessa Mackin

    Route 101

    Head of Marketing at Route 101 Ltd.

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